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Self-Trust and Our Inner Voice

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1Self-Trust and Our Inner Voice Empty Self-Trust and Our Inner Voice Sat Jul 12, 2014 4:48 pm


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Staring straight into the face of opportunity seems like it would be an exciting thing, right? Not always! For some, the unknown can be frightening. Many of us are filled with the ever-present “what if?” that seems to come from all directions, making us wonder if we will be doing the right thing by moving out of our comfort zone. For some people, the fear of making a mistake or doing something wrong can be paralyzing, and it is here that we must learn to make sound decisions for ourselves by trusting our instincts and our inner voice.
We all have an inner voice, deep within that guides us. How many times have you said, “If only I had listened to my gut….”? When faced with a decision, we feel the answer within the very core of our being. We hear the voice that tells us whether we are moving in the right or the wrong direction. Just listen to that voice and all will be well, right? Sadly, it’s not that easy. That voice, that feeling, is often in direct opposition with our minds and hearts. Our minds can think of a myriad of reasons why we should or shouldn’t do something, rationalizing away our inner voice and silencing it. Our hearts can override both in an intense wave of emotion-driven reaction, pushing aside everything to achieve fulfillment. How can we possibly know what is the right or wrong way to go with such conflict going on within us? The answer is simple: Self-empowerment and self-trust.
Self-empowerment provides us the strength to move forward in our lives with the ability to know, deep within, that we are able to accomplish what we set out to do because we are capable of doing so. We provide ourselves the tools to be accomplished, and take every opportunity presented to us and achieve success each and every step of the way. When we misstep, we pick ourselves up and look deep within to see where we made the mistake, and, most importantly, did we listen to the inner voice that will guide us like a homing beacon toward the best outcome. Each time we do this, we build our feeling of self-empowerment and soon we will start truly believing in and trusting ourselves to be able to make sound decisions and step forward in our lives with great success.
Self-trust is a learned ability that comes to us over time. Each opportunity we are given provides us a moment to listen to our inner guiding voice and to make sound decisions. Each time we are successful in our endeavors, we prove to ourselves that we are trustworthy and can guide ourselves in the best way possible. When we make mistakes and then look within to determine how better to achieve our goals in the future, we prove to ourselves that we will do whatever is necessary to take care of ourselves.
Self-empowerment and self-trust are two of the most important keys in magickal work as they remove the presence of doubt. Ultimately our doubt is the very thing that can hinder success in our practice. Have you heard the old adage, “We are our own worst enemy”? Doubting ourselves, thus hindering our own empowerment and trust, is a perfect example.
Listen to your inner voice. Develop a relationship with it. Learn to know it intimately and to be able to discern between your true core voice and the conflicting messages coming from your mind and heart. Trust it to guide you in the right direction. Looking back at choices we have made in the past, almost every action we have taken in life that we consider to be a mistake can be directly correlated to not listening to that voice.
Know this… your inner voice will never steer you wrong and will guide you toward manifesting the successful outcome of every opportunity you are ever presented with!

2Self-Trust and Our Inner Voice Empty Re: Self-Trust and Our Inner Voice Wed Jul 23, 2014 9:28 am


Active Newbie
nice one ...♡

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